Many of us may immediately think of the xylophone or an X-ray when asked to name a term that begins with the letter X. We’d probably just scoff if asked to name a flower whose name begins with X. Such plants do, nevertheless, exist! Discover some of the unusual flowers that begin with X by reading on.
Beautiful Flowers That Start With X – List Of Flowers That Name Starts With the Alphabet ‘X’
You may add a lot of unique flowers beginning with X to your garden. You might need to do some searching because some of them are difficult to locate in stores.
In order to help you locate something that will work in your garden, we have a list of flowers, flowering shrubs, and trees whose first letters begin with X along with important details.
Xanthisma (Xanthisma sp.)
The aster family member xanthisma has roughly ten different species. The majority of xanthisma grow in the spring and have small, bright yellow flowers that resemble daisies or sunflowers. The term “sleepy daisy” relates to the flower’s propensity to close up at night and is one of its common names. Both annuals and perennials fall within this genus, and some species have petals that are white or purple instead of yellow.
Xanthisma, a native of the U.S. and Mexico, grows best in sandy, well-draining soil, and direct sunlight. It is a fantastic choice for xeriscaping because it can withstand drought and dry soil.
Xernathemum (Xeranthemum sp.)
Xeranthemum is a different genus of aster that has silvery-green foliage and vibrant, papery blooms. The six different species normally produce their tubular or daisy-like blossoms in July to early fall, which are good for both fresh and dried-cut flowers. The blossoms range in colour from white to purple. Before planting, verify with your local extension office as some species, like immortelle, can become invasive in many places.
The Xeranthemum flower has long petals that are white. The Xeranthmaceae family includes xeranthemum flowers.
Since xeranthemums only bloom in the summer and fall, those seasons tend to see a lot of these flowers.
Underground bulbs produce xeranthemum flowers, however, they only bloom for a brief time. Xeranthemum flowers can reach heights of 3 feet. This native of the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia grows best in average to dry soil and full sun.
Xerochrysum (Xerochrysum bracteatum)
The flowering plant xerochrysum, often known as strawflower or the everlasting flower, has vivid, papery, daisy-like flowers in the colors white, yellow, orange, red, and pink. The term “everlasting flower” is appropriate given that xerochrysum blooms from June until the first frost, keeps its shape and colour when dried, and holds up well as a cut flower.
Xerochrysum, a native of Australian grasslands grows readily in dry to medium, well-draining soil in full sun to light shade.
The genus Xerochrysum, which belongs to the Asteraceae family of flowering plants, has roughly 80 species of shrubs and perennial herbs.
With alternating leaves and yellow flowers that turn scarlet as they develop, they have a height range of 30 to 150 cm.
In temperate gardens, Xerochrysum is grown as a groundcover because of its lovely downy foliage and clusters of large bright yellow chrysanthemum-like flowers which appear on and off throughout most of the year.
Xanthoceras (Xanthoceras sorbifolium)
One more name for Xanthoceras is yellowhorn and it is a deciduous tree or shrub that is native to China. In the month of May, these plants get star-shaped, white flowers that open up in order to give way to yellow-colored throats that mature into a dark maroon color. Later on, the fruit that appears looks exactly similar to buckeyes. However, the interesting part is that they taste like chestnuts, and the flowers, seeds, and foliage of xanthoceras are edible. Hence, even if you eat it, it is not going to be poisonous.
Their natural habitat is rocky slopes and these plants prefer loamy, draining soil in a sunny and warm location. Nevertheless, this flower is capable of tolerating different types of conditions.
Xerophyllum (Xerophyllum sp.)
Xerophyllum is also called turkey beard or bear grass and it grows wild in western North America these flowers are known to reappear first after a wildfire. During early summer or spring days, bushy clusters of fragrant, small, white flowers bloom at the top of tall stalks. If you love to plant flowers, you can certainly add them to perennial beds or wildflower gardens.
Xerophyllum chooses to bloom under rich and sunny weather conditions and in loamy and sandy soil that has good drainage. This flower can also tolerate moist conditions.
Xylosma (Xylosma sp.)
This flower is especially valued for its new growth which is bronze in color and is used as a hedge. This plant produces inconspicuous greenish-yellow flowers that offer a vital source for bees. There is a black small fruit that follows and that keeps on tempting birds. Xylosma is a flowering plant that can grow up to 10-12 feet tall and wide with an open, loose habit. Its evergreen foliage is well adapted to training and pruning.
Being a low-maintenance shrub, xylosma can tolerate poor and heated soils. This plant grows best in USDA zones 8-11 and when they are planted in full, they can bloom in a full sense.
Xyris (Xyris sp.)
Though there are more than 250 species of xyris all over the world, there are 21 that are just native to North America. This has got grasslike foliage that helped it earn its name, yellow-eyed grass, though this is actually a monocot and can’t be called grass at all. The tall narrow stem produces a yellow, small, three-petaled flower.
This is typically a wetland plant, xyris prefers well-draining and moist soil underneath a sunny location and it benefits from slight shade in the afternoon that is found in hot climates.
Xyris Difformis
Xyrs Difformis are herbaceous perennials that have either basal or long-stalked leaves.
The flower color varies between yellow, pink, or red and they typically bloom in early summer to mid-summer depending on the region.
Though few in number, these extraordinary flowers offer a diverse range of colors, textures, and growth habits. This means that nearly every garden can host a unique flowering plant that starts with the letter X!